
Friday, December 09, 2016

Bicara tentang ECU di MotoGP 2016. . .

Toguswan - Temen-temen, jika Mas Brad tahu bahwa beberapa tahun belakangan ini hampir semua pabrikan manufaktur MotoGP tidak suka dan menentang apabila motor prototype mereka menggunakan single ECU dari Magneti Marelli, namun siapa sangka tahun 2016 adalah tahun dimana MotoGP bisa dikatakan kompetitif. Kenapa ??. Hal ini karena dipengaruhi adanya beberapa regulasi baru dan salah satunya pemakaian single ECU.
FYI, guna mengurangi cost alias biaya dalam keikut sertaan MotoGP dan juga untuk menghasilkan tontonan yang menarik dan menghibur Dorna akhirnya mengikut sertakan Ducati untuk bergabung di Open Class pada tahun 2014.

Unified software menjadi part wajib di awal musim ini.
Masalah yang terbesar selama ini dalam penggunaan single ECU adalah para tim pabrikan tidak akan mudah mengembangkan teknologi elektronik itu sendiri, dan memang kalau dilihat dari alasan nya cukup logis sihh. Bahkan HRC pernah mengeluarkan sebuah ultimatum akan hengkang dari MotoGP jika hal itu benar-benar diberlakukan oleh Dorna.

Dan benar saja Mas Brad, Honda adalah pabrikan yang paling menderita sejak single ECU ini diberlakukan di MotoGP, sampai-sampai mereka mengubah arah rotasi kruk as atau dari forward crankshaft rotation menjadi backward crankshaft rotation di tahun 2016 ini. Seperti dilansir Crash, berikut adalah penuturan manajer tim Repsol Honda Livio Suppo :

"I think from a general point of view the single ECU has opened the door to more manufactures. This is my feeling. We see KTM join and the performance of Suzuki this year has been getting much better. So probably this has been a good move for the championship. "It was very difficult for Honda at the beginning, but generally speaking a good move for MotoGP".

Direktur tim Movistar Yamaha Lin Jarvis mengatakan jika beberapa tim pabrikan akan mengalami beberapa kerugian, namun musim dengan sembilan pemenang juara seri yang berbeda merupakan suatu perubahan ke arah yang positif.

"I think the fact that you've seen also so many different winner this year is a very, very positive thing. Also because in the past we had maybe the elite teams - HRC, Yamaha and Ducati - now we've also seen some victories for satelite teams, Ducati and Suzuki."
"So I think for the sport as a whole it has to be acknowledged that it was a very positive think to change. For the manufactures, maybe for some of us, it was a disadvantage from our purely selfish  
technical perspective. But at the end of the day we are here not only for the technical perspective, but also to promote the sport. So I think it was a positive think".

Sementara itu dari tim Ducati, Paolo Ciabbati yang tim nya sudah siap dengan penggunaan single ECU sejak 2014 dan meraih hasil yang signifikan dalam mengembangkan unified software ECU sejak era Open Class.

"This championship has seen nine different winners and basically for manufactures capable of winning races. So I tink this new rules have for sure balanced the competition. Obviously some manufactures struggle a little bit more, some others were in a maybe more favourable situation in the beginning, but in the end everybody become competitive. I think the single software has been a good decission from the series organiser".

Dari kubu Suzuki, Davide Brivio menuturkan bahwa ECU memainkan peran penting dalam kembalinya Suzuki ke MotoGP sejak 2011 dan meraih kemenangan juara seri pertamanya sejak 2007.

"We are one of the manufactures that benefitted from the rule changes, because to come back to MotoGP with the old electronic regulations it would have been much more difficult to catch up. Also after this change of regulations (was announced) three new manufactures joined the championship - Suzuki, Aprilia and now KTM - that makes a great a championship. Six factory teams.
So for usfor sure it was positive, it would have been much more difficult to recover in the old rules, and this I think is good for the sport, for the show - nine winners in a season is a fantastic".

Sementara dengan bos Aprilia Romano Albesiano yang mana di akhir musim Aprilia yang digeber oleh Stefan Bradl dan Alvaro Bautista mulai menunjukan perkembangan, berkata, 

"For us this has been the real first season in MotoGP and starting exactly as these big changes started has been a good point for us. The common software has proven to be the right choice, in terms of levelling the performance, putting everybody in the same technical situation in some aspects. So both the ECU software and tyres have been for us positive".

Yak, itulah penuturan dari beberapa manajer tim MotoGP mengenai unified software single ECU dari Magnet Marelli, memang kalau kita perhatikan musim ini merupakan musim yang berbeda dibanding musim dimana belum diseragamkannya ECU. Promotor MotoGP dalam hal ini Dorna Sports telah berhasil merubah MotoGP kembali kompetitif setidak nya dalam hal persaingan antar pabrikan, supaya tontonan juga ga ngebosenin yang pemenang nya loe lagi loe lagi, ya ngga Mas Brad. . .  (Toguswan)

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